being in the moment, family,, knitpicks, Right now, Yarn

::Right Now::

Joining Soule Mama in the right now post of being in the moment.

Right now I am

:: nursing a bad back on a nice heating pad

:: drinking a nice cup of coffee and watching my kids enjoy each others time

:: thinking fond thoughts of last night’s late Thanksgiving dinner I made for my parents and brother and the conversations we are able to enjoy together

:: enjoying a sleepy day from my 10 week old little big boy and knowing that his 20lbs are part of the reason my back is not happy

:: eyeing the book Simplify Your Life by Sam Davidson that we borrowed from the library wondering what sort of inspiration I will get from it

:: trying to tell myself not to beat myself up for not keeping to my blog schedule

:: staring at my knitting bin of UFOs and wishing I could finish them all at once

:: looking at the new skeins of yarn I got in the mail yesterday with dreams of completed projects (cheated on my yarn diet for the first time in 2 years *hangs head in shame*  couldn’t pass up the cyber Monday deal at KnitPicks)

:: making a list of the things that need to be done in the upcoming weeks to make this holiday season as magical as I can for my 2 older boys.

:: reflecting on the book I finished last night called The Nose off of the list. It´s short and free in the kindle store but funny. 

:: hoping I can be present and loving to my children through the season and not get lost in my computer or the shoulds and the oughts of the season.

What is your right now?

5 thoughts on “::Right Now::”

  1. Loved this post!! I need to learn to be present in the moment more, I'm always planning and thinking of the future. Some days it seems like life is just passing me by, so I've become determined to learn to be present 🙂 Thank you for reminding me!

    xo Raili

    P.S. I totally get the looking at the WIP pile and wishing I could finish them all up right away thing too-happens to me all the time 🙂

  2. First, your children are beautiful. Isn't it such a treasure to watch them getting along? One of the greatest gifts. Second, please don't ever beat yourself up about keeping to a blog schedule! Blogs, the reading and writing of, are a delight for sure, but there are seasons in a person's life that make blogging fall behind in priority. And that's okay. Actually, sometimes it's downright great! Releasing myself from any obligation to blogging turned out to be such an enormous relief. Just sayin.
    And the knitting bin of UFOs – I hear ya!

  3. I love that shawl in the wip basket.

    right now I should be studying but I'm enjoying some down time watching the snow and reading your blog. I'm a little behind. ¨-¨
    I really like the new look.

  4. Thank you! I've been trying to make it more simple and more me. The shawl is a test knit and I'm really enjoying it. I'm learning a new method of color knitting. Very fun.

    Enjoy the snow for me. I'm sending a wish to the big man upstairs for the same amount of snow here.

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