basket, Designing,, shopping basket, Yarn

Combined Knitting and Simplisity Post

I´m back from my vacation trip to Pennsylvania. I did some knitting but not as much as I thought I would because I brought the wrong size needle with me. Stopped at an amazing yarn store in Bethlehem, PA and bought a set of needles to support breast cancer research and after that I was able to start knitting. 

See and feel blanket with the new needles that I bought in PA
Knitting a shawl off the top of my head. Will write up a pattern if I end up liking it.

Knitting robot mittens for my little boy. The pattern was made for adults but I used sock yarn and size one needles to make it little boy size.

And my living simple multipurpose tool this week is this amazing basket that I found. It’s a picnic/shopping basket. This week I used it to keep our snacks in the car on our trip, I took it to the farmer’s market to keep our purchases so that we wouldn’t need plastic bags, I just packed it with our snacks for our trip to the splash pad today. It also collapses really nicely when you are not using it so that it doesn’t take up too much room and I could see myself using it to keep a knitting project if I had a spare but I use it too much on a daily basis for everyday sort of things.

What do you have on your needles?
Find anything amazing that you use all the time to reduce and reuse?

I guest blogged for a friend that is working on similar issue of reducing and reusing. Here is the very personal post that I wrote for her on personal growth and being happy with what one has.