fitness, health,, running

It’s working!

My move my butt chalenge is working. In a little over a week I have lost 2 pounds. That keeps me right on track for my 5 pounds a month goal. I’m so excited. I didn’t change my diet at all. I’m still eating what ever I want ( did make some lasting changes of habit the last time I lost weight). All I am doing is making sure I have some sort of exercise once a day. Normally I run on the treadmill but yesterday I gardened and got some (20) pavers for my veggie garden and I raked up pine needles for a plant I had to transplant from one location to another. Some days when the weather is really nice I take DS out for a walk and we walk for atleast 1.17 miles. I want to have walked/ran over 450 miles this year. I’m keeping track with a google doc that I plug in my distance and I also use google maps to see how many miles I walk.

My in-laws were here this weekend and it was great! My MIL cleaned my kitchen for me and my FIL brought the tiller to till my veggie garden and my flowerbeds. Then on top of that they let me and DH go out shopping, just the two of us. It was amazing.

I also went to a Oklahoma Counseling Assosiation thing on Friday and it was really great. I got to listen to Corry, the guy that has written most of the books we user for our masters degree, lectur and it was very inspirational.

1 thought on “It’s working!”

  1. It is inspiring that you are able to get on the treadmill among all of the other things you have going on. Don’t you just love having the in-laws around. I am going to have my MIL here for a couple of weeks and I am so happy to have some family here even if it is only for a little while.

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