children, grad school,

Grad School Woes!

I have lots of homework do tomorrow and a test and I am not motivated to start doing what I need to do. I have a tape to transcribe and a study guide to finish and turn in for credit. I also need to e-mail clients and set up new sessions for this weekend. I also get to give my nephews the WISC this weekend which I am super exited. Who would have thought that an intelligence test would cost over 800 dollars?

At least the weather is crappy so I don´t want to be outside watching my garden grow. I do want to get some seeds in some grow pods tonight though. It´s time for peppers, eggplant, and tomatoes to get seeded.

Óðinn finally went down for a nap but I´m going to have to wake him soon since it is 6pm and we would like him to go to bed at some point tonight. Man it is hard to wake up a child when he has been fighting sleep all day long.

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